The Haven

Our Kindergarten (4 - 5 years old)

Our 4 YO Early Learning Program adopts an approach whereby the children are offered learning experiences which are facilitated by highly experienced educators, to stimulate their inquiry to explore further, questioning the impossible and to love learning.

A big part of this early process prior to school entry, is the development of independence, resilience, self-regulation, self-esteem and confidence. This occurs in wonderful, natural, highly effective ways where the children take responsibility for themselves, their environment and with each other (with support and guidance from the educators).

The children play with water, care for the chickens and the kitchen garden, wear bare feet when suitable, sing, dance, create, construct, read, imagine and learn about language and numbers in interesting play based/inquiry based ways, where the learning is hidden in the fun! There is laughter sharing and respect for each other which supports a stress less environment for learning.